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Children’s Book Authors Driven to Publish Despite Costs

Self-publishing a children’s book is a true labor of love. It takes time, effort, and a drive to succeed. If your passion for writing children’s books outweighs everything else, you have what it takes to be a self-published children’s author. Understanding the publishing process and the challenges it poses will help you become the successful author you long to be.

Do Your Research—Understand the Production Costs

From the rising price of four-color printing to the cost of illustrations, producing a children’s book is not for the faint of heart. Production expenses can be shocking for first-time authors. Do your research. Determine how you want your book to look, and plan accordingly. Before entering negotiations with an illustrator, know what your budget will allow. Buy the rights to the work if possible.


Know What Format Your Audience Wants

Offer your book in a variety of formats. Children’s books are generally produced in print form for schools, libraries, and bookstores, but parents may want the ease of digital versions. Using print on demand keeps your upfront expenses down but can raise the unit price too high. Remember to price your book with your target audience in mind.


Give Your Readers an Engaging Story

Children’s book authors have the unenviable task of writing for one group (children) while marketing to another (parents). It is a fine line to walk. Engage your reader with a strong storyline and concise writing. Utilize the industry standard 32-page format when writing, as it is the design most educators and booksellers expect.

Get Ready to Sell Your Book in Person

Prepare yourself to do more face-to-face appearances than other indie writers. They can rely on the Internet to reach their audience. For children’s book authors, however, connecting with young readers in person is what sells books. Do readings at schools, libraries, kids clubs, and bookstores. Volunteer to help at community events. Donate signed books for school fundraisers. These marketing efforts take time and money to help gain brand recognition.


Self-Publishing Is a Great Option for Children’s Authors

If authoring a children’s book is what you’ve always wanted to do, self-publishing is a great option to make that happen. Prepare for the production process with research and by talking to fellow authors, and be sure to come up with a marketing strategy. By having a clear game plan, you can focus on the real reason you wrote the book: connecting with young readers.


Why Dog Ear?

Producing a children’s book requires a publishing company that maintains high production standards across the various formats you need. With over 50 years of traditional publishing experience, Dog Ear Publishing understands what it takes to produce a first-rate children’s book. Our team of expert editors, proofreaders, and designers can help refine your work into a top-notch finished publication. If you want your book to be a quality reflection of who you are as an author, visit our website at dogearpublishing today and take control of your publishing destiny.