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Your Content, Their Site: A Win-Win Proposition

One of the best ways to promote your book and brand is to guest blog on another website. It gets you noticed by a larger audience and improves your networking opportunities with industry influencers. Guest blogging can open marketing avenues that increase book sales and elevate your brand exposure. By providing content for another site, you are reaching readers who might never have been introduced to your book. It is a win-win proposition.

Define Your Audience

Knowing who your audience is and how to reach them is the first step in writing a guest blog. Look at where potential readers go online and what types of blogs they read. Determine the amount of traffic on these sites and whether guest bloggers can link their post back to an Amazon author page or personal website. Your goal is to give readers the opportunity to buy your book or get on your mailing list. If the site you want to write for won’t allow backlinks, move on to another site.

Find Fresh, Relevant Blog Topics

Once you have a list of potential blogs or sites to approach, do your research. Learn their policies for guest bloggers. See what subjects have been covered by others, and review readers’ comments for potential blog topics. Try not to repeat topics; instead, find a new take on an old issue. When you have three to five ideas ready, contact the editor or blogger of each site.

Show How Serious You Are About Guest Blogging

In your email, briefly introduce yourself and state a few of your writing credits. Clearly state your blog topic at the beginning and end of the message. Describe what the blog will cover and why you think it will interest their readers. Supply a Google Drive link to a comprehensive outline, complete with headlines, to show you are a serious candidate.

Be Prepared for Rejection

Not every site is going to jump at your offer, so don’t get discouraged when you receive a rejection. Keep reaching out to them and keep pitching ideas. Don’t be afraid to cold-email a blogger or editor with whom you have no networking connection. Be brave. You never know, this could be the site that opens many doors for you and your work.

Gain Exposure and Build Long-Term Relationships

The ultimate goals for guest blogging are to reach an expanded audience, increase book sales, and boost subscribers/mailing list recipients. Achieving these things while fulfilling another blogger’s need for top-quality content is a win-win situation. It is also a chance to build long-term relationships with these individuals. Many traditional publishing houses take notice when authors already have a brand identity as well as a large mailing list.

Guest Blogging Pays Off

Don’t listen to the naysayers who complain you are offering work for free. The return on your time and effort comes in ways money can’t buy. Guest blogging shows you are serious about being a part of the writing community and are willing to network to promote your book, that you are willing to give a little to get a lot. That’s being a successful author.


Why Dog Ear?

With over fifty years of traditional publishing experience, Dog Ear Publishing understands what it takes to get your book in front of the right audience. We can assist in marketing your book to your target readers. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will guide you through the publishing process and help you achieve the results you desire. If you want your book to be a quality reflection of who you are as an author, visit our website at dogearpublishing today and take control of your publishing destiny.